Whenever you consume a new product is very important to know their side effects before consumption, we give you the most relevant.
Gas and Flatulence: During the first days of treatment will have gas and flatulence. This is because your bowel is full of stale and rotting fecal matter, in contact with the stratum of the product, it will generate intestinal gas, so once your body is done purifying these will disappear gradually. Some people may also feel bloated during their first few days of using Zemiente as it is a mild laxative as well. Not every person experiences the same.
Pain: During a few days you will feel some back pain, arm and chest/breast/ overall body (similar to muscle pain that occurs during exercise). This is because it is easier to burn body fat in these areas, and these parts will reduce volume quickly. Also this muscle pain should subside in one week.
Headache: Whenever you burn fat in large amounts, you may have a headache due to the presence of ketones (molecules that our bodies produce when we burn large amounts of fat, either from your diet or your body), and is activated because it deprives glucose to our body, to help reduce the symptoms. We recommend that you consume antioxidants and essential fatty acids as are the omega 3 and omega 6, (soya, fish, corn, squash, fish and nuts) and also recommended eating one or two oranges a day to recover glucose and vitamin C.
Fatigue: When we increase our visits to the toilet, we can lose potassium levels, without this mineral we feel exhausted and sleepy, nauseas and you may feel weak and sick. Do not worry about it, bananas are rich source of potassium and with only one banana every 3-4 days, you will be in perfect condition. Other potassium-rich foods are beans, soybeans, peanuts, carrots, squash, etc, if you eat these you will not have any problem of lack of potassium. It is advisable to take a multi-vitamin with potassium in it.
Intestinal irritant: This product is a gut irritant.
At night you take it and in the morning eat a yogurt, you will feel wonderfully during the day.
Some people may also experience some heartburn which is caused by indigestion. People may have indigestion problems which they may not be aware of. In this situation, please take precaution.
It has been reported that diarrhoea can be experienced, not necessarily at the beginning only. Should you experience this, reduce to 1/8 of the product immediately and consume a lot of water. Should the diarrhoea not stop, discontinue use immediately until it stops. You can then start consuming again after 1 week. Not every person will experience diarrhoea, some people may go as normal but still be detoxing. During this process, you have to ensure that you drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated. Preferably take Zemiente with a multivitamin tablet as well. Consuming a banana every second/third day will also assist with settling the tummy and boosting your potassium levels.
Possible change in menstrual cycle:
Females may experience in a change in their menstrual cycle. Not every female will experience this as every persons bodies respond differently to the product. As people lose weight, so does the metabolism and the body. If you experience any change in the menstrual cycle, no need to worry and panic.
1 in 500 people may experience swelling – mainly in the ankles. This is due to lack of circulation of blood. We recommend that you reduce to 1/8th of the product and do 15-20 minutes of exercise daily and also keep your feet raised above your heart level to assist with the swelling and blood circulation.
Above are all the side effects that we are aware off. Most of it may not be experienced by many people. Some people may experience none of the above side effects.
Disclaimer: This website has been updated with information to the best of our knowledge. Zemiente is purchased and consumed at own risk.
Zemiente.Com, its Directors, Distributors and Promoters may not be held responsible for any loss or Injury whilst consuming this product. It is the responsibility of the consumer to read up on all the information before making a purchase and if any hyper sensitivity to the product is displayed whilst consuming it, you should stop.