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    We would like to advise ALL our clients that there are currently a alot of Lower Grade Seeds being imported in Africa and sold at cheaper prices. The sellers of these products are now also referring people to our website claiming that it is the same product. This is currently happening in South Africa.

    Our Distributors are receiving calls and queries about these products and their side effects as people are confusing other products with ours.

    Kindly note that ZEMIENTE.COM is NOT associated with any of these products.

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  • Welcome

    Welcome to the Official Zemiente website. The main reason why you are here today is because you have gained a few extra kilo’s and you are searching for a Product that can help you live a healthier lifestyle – Don’t you? You want to look and feel great again. You are not happy with your current mirror image and you want to look better.

    Zemiente is a 100% NATURAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT which when added to your daily diet, offers many nutritional benefits to the body. It is unprocessed and is packaged without preservatives or chemicals added & has been used for many years to help people live and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Zemiente basically provides 4 wonderful properties that together makes it one of the best products which helps people look and feel great again.

  • Leticia (right) Lost 30kgs and looking great. Tabisa (left) lost 46kgs after giving birth and recommends Zemiente to any persons wanting to feel great again.  We do have more before and after pictures of other people available on our before and after page which is situated directly under the Testimonials page. Feel free to view.

  • Properties

    The Product

    Zemiente is a 100% NATURAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT which when added to your daily diet, offers many nutritional benefits to the body. It is unprocessed and is packaged without preservatives or chemicals added & has been used for many years to help people live and maintain a healthier lifestyle. It cleanses your system, and dissolves the excess fat from your body as you sleep!

    “No special eating plans needed and you still achieve results”

    Zemiente controls your cravings and hunger pangs so that you don’t want to eat as much.

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  • Our Distributors

    Our distributors are located throughout South Africa and Countries surrounding South Africa.

    Visit our Distributors page to locate your nearest distributor and for more information on becoming a Distributor for Zemiente.

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  • Purchase

    Get yours today

    BE SAFE – Make sure that you only purchase Zemiente from our LISTED DISTRIBUTORS (available on our distributors page) or directly from us as we DO NOT take responsibility for the consumption of Lower Grade Products sold by others.

    Due to this product being a consumable product and for hygienic reasons, we do not allow any exchanges, returns or refunds. We only supply a fully packaged product as seen in the picture above with ALL our purchases and we never re-use any of our containers etc.


If you looking to look good again, Detox and feel great, then you looking at your ALL in 1 solution.
Zemiente has a great success rate and is safe to use (Acknowledged by DAFFSA for human Consumption). Zemiente, will cleanse your system and the beginning stages giving you a good detox and thereafter blocks fat and toxins that you consume, hence only keeping what your body needs. The rest is flushed out. No exercise or special diets needed, just take the Fat Burner at night before going to bed, that simple. You melt fat as you sleep. That’s correct, you having nothing to lose but those unwanted Kilo’s. The Fat Burner comes with full instructions in packs that last 52 days. On average, people lose between 3 -7kgs in  52 days depending on their metabolism. If you have more excess fat to lose, we recommend that you continue taking the Fat Burner until you reach your desired weight goal.  Thereafter, you can take the Fat Burner 2-3 times a week to maintain. It is also important to note that many people start seeing a difference in their first 2 weeks, however we have had people that only started noticing a difference in about 5-6 weeks due to their bodies taking time to adapt to the contents of the Fat Burner as well as their bodies having more toxins to get rid off. The trick is to just continue. Click on the Options above and learn how this product works with your body to effectively make you look and feel great again.


BE SAFE – Make sure that you only purchase Zemiente from our LISTED DISTRIBUTORS (available on our distributors page) or directly from us as we DO NOT take responsibility for the consumption of Lower Grade Products sold by others.
Due to this product being a consumable product and for hygienic reasons, we do not allow any exchanges, returns or refunds. We only supply a fully packaged product as seen in the picture above with ALL our purchases and we never re-use any of our containers etc.